The September Surrender

The September Surrender begins on September 22, which is the first day of autumn and the start of the spiritual season of personal reflection, letting go, and transformation. This is a time to harvest your thoughts, release any negativity and what no longer serves you, and to try on change.

As the nights grow longer, we are gifted with an expansion of stillness that brings an opportunity for mindfulness, clarity, and focus. Over the next several days of the September Surrender, we will prepare to receive this gift by becoming present to ourselves and aligning to our truths.

September 22 | Autumn Equinox

We’ve arrived at the eve of change.  

At some fleeting moment today, for the last time this year, light and darkness will be in perfect balance. Then, comes shift.

For us, as in nature, moments of balance in ourselves are often followed by transformation.  

Around this time last year, I experienced an awakening to myself that led me to start a passion-based business. It was preceded by a period of deep reflection and introspection that resulted in a joyful unfolding as I let go of resistance and surrendered to my soul’s desire. The shift in me translated to purposeful action and I got to work on my first endeavor: a retreat for women who want to reconnect with their authentic voice.

It was incredibly satisfying to share a life-affirming experience with other women that was created and received with pure joy.  Of course, that wasn’t the only thing going on in my life. This year I leaned into purpose with gusto, but also struggled to manage change, to fit growth into my schedule, and to find balance. Until today.

Today I let go.  Today my only goal is to be nonstriving and to be open to receiving.  It’s comforting to know that balance is fleeting – that there’s a blueprint for our unfolding – that as we must toil, we must also return to stillness in order to make meaning and teach our truth. The September Surrender is a return to center, to YOU.

So, I invite you to do just that.  If only for a moment today, center yourself.  Let it all go. Try less. Be More. Make a commitment to reconnect to YOU.  Prepare for your shift.